Cllr Higgins says “the hospitality sector is on the “brink of survival” and needs a “lifeline and hope that business trading conditions will change”
Fine Gael Councillor, Clodagh Higgins has today urged government to urgently move the dial and introduce meaningful support for the hospitality sector in Galway.
Cllr. Higgins has been a strong advocate for businesses since being elected and she has constantly called on Government to support the hospitality sector which she says is on the “brink of survival” and needs a “lifeline and hope that business trading conditions will change”.
Cllr. Higgins has today commended Minister Neale Richmond on his continuous engagement with her in relation to the hospitality sector after a recent meeting with the Minister in Dublin, and a series of communications since.
Cllr. Higgins today said “hospitality is suffering across our communities as a consequence of many factors. As the backbone of Ireland’s economy and a major source of employment, it is imperative that the Government steps in immediately to provide meaningful support to ensure its survival.
“I have had multiple engagements with Minister of State at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Neale Richmond TD over the past few months and I have continuously stressed the need for a suite of measures to be deployed immediately for the hospitality sector. Government urgently needs to reintroduce the 9% VAT rate and give businesses further support by way of business rate reductions along with further grant support to help them to sustain their businesses. We need to do all we can to ensure the survival of the sector, a sector that Galway City relies on heavily”.
Cllr. Higgins concluded “The reality is there are countless businesses teetering on the brink of collapse and thousands of jobs are at risk”.
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