Salthill Village and Seafront Strategy will be a game-changer for the village 

Cllr. Higgins has today welcomed Galway City Council’s progress on a vision plan for Salthill Village. The plan is called Salthill Village Seafront Strategy will capture all aspects of the villages future development from planning to transport, and will capture the beach, urban design, transportation, parking, flooding, environmental conservation and tourism promotion.

One of Cllr. Higgins main pledges to Salthill at the 2019 local elections was that she would work to unleash Salthill’s potential through a master planning exercise and a Stakeholders Engagement Process so everyone has a village and a built environment that they want. There are currently plans afoot for Leisureland and Salthill Park, Blackrock Diving Tower and the Tidal Pools.

Cllr. Higgins said “I have constantly argued that developments in Salthill have taken place on a piecemeal basis to this point and it is crucial that planners get it right in terms of master-planning and developing this gem. This is especially true given the area has a number of sites that will be developed over the coming years. We have a huge opportunity through this Salthill Village and Seafront Strategy to ensure that all developments fit together rather than stand alone.

Cllr. Higgins continued “as part of this strategy a non-statutory consultation will take place during the Summer period and it will last for approximately 18 months to ensure that we capture seasonal changes. We have to ensure we have as wide an audience as possible as input will dictate future plans. Therefore it is crucial that all interested parties contribute to this consultative process.”

Cllr. Higgins said “Salthill is a very special place and everyone feels a sense of ownership of it, right across the City and beyond.

Councillor Higgins said “this strategy will be advantageous when it comes to preparing the village for future funding opportunities and it will not slow down progress but will instead speed it up”.

Cllr. Higgins said “over the years I have made multiple representations regarding creating a vision for Salthill to the Chief Executive and to the Director of Services and tried to secure funding in the budget for a plan and I am absolutely thrilled we have gotten to this point. This is the first step in ensuring we polish our diamond – Salthill”.

Cllr. Higgins continued “Salthill, with its stunning views and vibrant atmosphere, holds a special place in the hearts of locals and visitors alike. This step forward by Galway City Council showcases the commitment to preserve and enhance Salthill’s unique character while at the same time addressing the needs and aspirations of the community”.

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